Hey there!
Meet Celeste
Hello, I'm Celeste - before I was the founder of The Birth Store, I was a confused first-time Mum planning to 'wing it' through labour & birth. At 22, having my first child, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to learn or prioritise and it meant that what I did learn or prioritise wasn't very focused on my needs, which is an all too common story.
The product that (literally) changed my life
It was a late night scroll of my Facebook due date group (hello, pregnancy insomnia) when I first heard of the TENS. I asked my midwife and she recommended I order one, but wasn't sure which one and from where. I almost ordered the cheapest one I found off eBay, until I realised there were machines that were designed for labour and realised I could hire it.
My birth was less than perfect, but my TENS machine got me through so much. From there I told everyone who would listen about how incredible the TENS was.
The Birth Store was always an idea in the back of my mind, but it wasn't until I was pregnant with Harvey that I decided to take action. I was 35 weeks pregnant when I finally launched our small family business. It took off quicker than expected and has been an interesting journey, as I was navigating postpartum and a newborn & toddler, too. It's been a few long nights and days and weeks that fly by, but I'm so thankful to our business and all of the amazing support we've received.
Fun Facts & Stories

going local
Our First Bricks & Mortar Store
In early 2023 we opened our first bricks and mortar store in Midland, Western Australia.
Here we have been able to give our local customers a location to get what they need, quicker and around their schedule.
Being able to interact face to face with everyone has also been such a blessing!

Our Mission
To empower pregnant people to prioritise their needs in the journey from pregnancy to postpartum and create a space where the products they need and deserve are easy to obtain.
Our Story is Nothing Without Your Stories
Hearing all your stories makes doing what we do so much more rewarding!
Celeste's Beautiful Water Birth
After feeling like I was going into labour at least 10 times since 32 weeks, we wound up being induced...
Jayme's Positive C-Section Birth Story
Jayme's Decision for a Planned C-Section "I always knew I wanted to have a planned C-section. We tried for...
Emily's Midwifery Group Practice Birth
"Luck would have it that our car decided to break down 5min from the John. We quickly called an Uber...
Maddi's Very Quick Birth
"I was doubting my ability to be able to go any further. My midwife explained to me I was in...