How to Use the Elle TENS Machine
Using our Elle TENS machine is super simple and to make it even simpler, here is an easy to digest video to break it down even more. Give this a watch before you do your first test run, or let us join you in labour if you didn't get a chance to prior.
Troubleshooting Your TENS
Please look at the error you're experiencing below and select it to see four easy troubleshooting steps. You can also find links to all three manuals below the troubleshooting steps.
Machine Not Turning On
1. TRY YOUR SECOND SET OF BATTERIES - In your hire you should have 4 batteries, please try the other 2 and see if that fixes the issue. If not resolved, see point 2.
2. TRY YOUR OWN SET OF AA BATTERIES - To ensure there is no manufacturing error with our set of batteries, please try another set of new AA batteries. If not resolved see point 3.
3. DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING - Please double check batteries are in the right way, and that the on button is being pressed in all the way. If not resolved, see point 4.
4. STILL NOT WORKING? CONTACT US - Please contact us to advise us of your issue and to let us know you've gone through troubleshooting, the best way to contact us is via our contact us page here.
One Pad Not Pulsing
1. DOUBLE CHECK WIRES ARE IN ALL THE WAY & PADS ARE ALL ON PROPERLY - One pad may only be pulsing if the wires aren't pushed in all the way, or if not all pads are on correctly. Please double check both ends of the wires and pads are connected properly.
2. SWAP THE WIRES & BATTERIES - Switch the wires around and try other batteries; this will help to restart it and determine if there is a fault if it's with the wires or pads. Still not feeling it on that same side? The pads may be faulty. Now you're not feeling it on the other side? The wires might be the issue.
3. CHECK JACKPORTS - Check the prongs inside the jack ports on the machine. The prongs can bend and affect the connection when the wires are pushed in or removed at an angle. Check your ports; if they are broken, or your issue persists, please continue to step 4.
4. STILL NOT WORKING? CONTACT US - Please contact us to advise us of your issue and to let us know you've gone through troubleshooting, the best way to contact us is via our contact us page here.
Both Pads Not Pulsing
1. DOUBLE CHECK WIRES ARE IN ALL THE WAY & PADS ARE ALL ON PROPERLY - One pad may only be pulsing if the wires aren't pushed in all the way, or if not all pads are on correctly. Please double check both ends of the wires and pads are connected properly.
2. TRY THE SPARE SET OF BATTERIES - Take out your batteries and try your second set or your AA batteries if you have some. If the batteries are weak, that could prevent the pulse from reaching the pads.
3. CHECK JACKPORTS - Check the prongs inside the jack ports on the machine. The prongs can bend and affect the connection when the wires are pushed in or removed at an angle. Check your ports; if they are broken, or your issue persists, please continue to step 4.
4. STILL NOT WORKING? CONTACT US - Please contact us to advise us of your issue and to let us know you've gone through troubleshooting, the best way to contact us is via our contact us page here.
Seeing Error Symbols # 1
Seeing an error symbol that looks like a rectangle with a squiggly line going into the left, with 2 small vertical lines means there is a connection error, either due to wires and pads not being connected, or because of a weak battery
1. DOUBLE CHECK WIRES ARE IN ALL THE WAY & PADS ARE ALL ON PROPERLY - One pad may only be pulsing if the wires aren't pushed in all the way, or if not all pads are on correctly. Please double check both ends of the wires and pads are connected properly.
2. TRY THE SPARE SET OF BATTERIES - Take out your batteries and try your second set or your AA batteries if you have some. If the batteries are weak, that could prevent the pulse from reaching the pads.
3. CHECK JACKPORTS - Check the prongs inside the jack ports on the machine. The prongs can bend and affect the connection when the wires are pushed in or removed at an angle. Check your ports; if they are broken, or your issue persists, please continue to step 4.
4. STILL NOT WORKING? CONTACT US - Please contact us to advise us of your issue and to let us know you've gone through troubleshooting, the best way to contact us is via our contact us page here.
Seeing Error Symbols # 2
Seeing an error symbol that looks like a half-full battery means the batteries are low; if you get this error on your new, unused set we give you, please get in touch with us, even if you can resolve the issue, just so that we know.
1. TRY YOUR SECOND SET OF BATTERIES - In your hire you should have 4 batteries, please try the other 2 and see if that fixes the issue. If not resolved see point 2.
2. TRY YOUR OWN SET OF AA BATTERIES - To ensure there is no manufacturing error with our set of batteries, please try another set of new AA batteries. If not resolved see point 3.
3. DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING - Please double check the wires are in and everything is connected. If the machine is still working you can continue to use it with this error. But if the issue persists, please let us know so we can try and get you a new machine before birth.
4. STILL NOT WORKING? CONTACT US - Please contact us to advise us of your issue and to let us know you've gone through troubleshooting, the best way to contact us is via our contact us page here.
Machine Turning Off
1. TRY YOUR SECOND SET OF BATTERIES - This sometimes happens due to dying batteries. In your hire you should have 4 batteries, please try the other 2 and see if that fixes the issue. If not resolved see point 2.
2. TRY YOUR OWN SET OF AA BATTERIES - To ensure there is no manufacturing error with our set of batteries, please try another set of new AA batteries. If not resolved see point 3.
3. CHECK CONNECTION AND PORTS - Follow steps 1 and 3 on the previous tab for final troubleshooting suggestions. If this doesn't resolve the issue, we recommend moving to step 4 and contacting us.
4. STILL NOT WORKING? CONTACT US - Please contact us to advise us of your issue and to let us know you've gone through troubleshooting, the best way to contact us is via our contact us page here.
Manuals & Additional Information

learn about
Our Testing Process
After each order has returned, we test and sanitise the TENS machine and its accessories, even when unused. Machines or accessories with faults are not sent to our customers but are instead removed from rotation. As we test the machines on ourselves, we can ensure that every machine has a strong pulse and is not encountering these issues before they go out. Machines are also checked visually after testing to ensure no damage was sustained whilst removing testing wires.
However, issues can still occur for a few reasons that are unfortunately out of our control but thankfully very rare; they are:
- Damage sustained in transit to you after leaving our warehouse
- Manufacturer faults with batteries and electrodes (very rare)
- Damage sustained when first using the TENS (mainly jack port damage sustained when inserting or removing wires)
We are constantly working to identify potential issues and improve our processes; please let us know if you encounter any issues.
Understanding Your Dates
& how to extend
Our money-back guarantee PROCESS
Just 4 Simple Steps
How to Return Your TENS Machine
Returning your TENS machine is super simple and to make it even simpler, here is an easy to digest video to break it down even more. Give this a watch if you're not sure on what to return or how to pack it all up.
Got Any Questions?
We've got answers!
Can the TENS machine be used in the water?
No, unfortunately, your TENS machine cannot get wet, so it cannot be used with water.
If you're planning on a water birth, or using water for pain relief in labour, there are still some ways you can incorporate the TENS into your plan. Find out how here.
Can I claim my TENS machine on private health?
Where do I place the electrodes?
There are four pads that come with your TENS machine. 2 start at your bra line and 2 finish at your underwear line - both on either sides of your spine.
Placing the electrodes:
• You will likely need some help placing the pads on your back. You can do it yourself in a pinch, but it’s a hard feat – if you don’t have a birthing partner, you can ask your midwife for help with this.
• Before placing your electrodes ensure the area is free from excess oils or moisture.
• Place the electrodes vertically starting at your underwear line; the length of your torso may affect where the top of the bra line electrodes start – you’ll run out of room on the bottom electrodes before you do on the top, which is why we recommend starting at the bottom.
• Whether the wires are facing up or down doesn’t matter a great deal. You can place them in whichever way is the most comfortable for you.
• You then connect the top 2 electrodes to 2 wires in the same jack (where the wires connect to the machine) and the bottom 2 electrodes to the 2 other wires in the same jack. Whether you connect the top or bottom to the left or right jack doesn’t matter.
Can TENS electrodes be re-used?
TENS electrodes are easily removable and can be reused – how long for, depends on how they’ve been treated.
The stickiness of the gel on the electrodes can be affected by a few things:
• Large amounts of sweat or wet skin
• Oils – either massage/essential oils or oil from your skin
• Any other moisture or residue on the skin
You can prolong the life of your electrodes by:
• Drying your skin before application
• Ensuring the area of your skin being used is free from massage oils
• Placing electrodes straight on plastic backing once removing
• Placing electrodes + plastic backing in their zip lock bag
If you have got some electrodes that have started to lose their adhesiveness, you can help them by rubbing a small amount of water into the gel – it may seem contradictory to what’s already been said about moisture on the skin, but it does help!
What's the difference between 3 machines?
The difference between each machine is relatively small, you can take a quiz here which will help you decide which machine is for you and why. Or you can also find a comparison chart on each TENS hire product page.
Though, in short, the differences are:
Elle TENS - Base model, has birth mode for pain relief in labour
Elle TENS 2 - Same as above, but also has the screen light and contraction timer
Elle TENS + - Same as above, but also has the standard pain mode which is helpful for pain relief outside of labour (great for afterbirth pains)
What else can I use my TENS machine for?
TENS Machines are effective for many different types of pain, and some can be used for pelvic floor strengthening, too.
The Elle TENS Plus is the only one with the standard pain function and the pelvic floor mode. You can use your Elle TENS Plus with all its features for:
• Afterbirth pains
• C-Section recovery
• Shoulder pain from breastfeeding
• Pelvic pain
• General aches and pains
• Sports injuries
• Recovery from surgeries
• Pelvic floor strengthening and recovery from incontinence (only suitable for machines purchased outright)
Should I test my TENS before labour?
Are the machines tested and cleaned?
Yes! Upon receiving the TENS machine back we sanitise the machine and wires with hospital-grade cleaner and the bags are washed in a hot wash with a hospital-grade sanitiser and then line dried.
We then test your machine, using all functions to ensure they're working. So when they're ready to go back out they're clean and in working order.
Should I hire or buy a TENS machine?
Hiring a TENS machine is a great option if you:
- Are only planning on one or two more babies
- Want to try it out first to see if it works for you
- Don’t want to have to worry about safely storing the machine between pregnancies
- Always want the latest technology for labour
- Don’t think you’ll use the machine outside of birth
You may wish to consider purchasing if you:
- Are planning on three or more babies
- May use the machine in between pregnancies
- May use the machine's pelvic floor function (Elle TENS Plus only)
When should I order my TENS?
When is the best time to start using the TENS?
How long can I hire my TENS machine for?
You can hire for 4, 6 or 8 weeks.
We recommend those who are 36 weeks pregnant or earlier select an 8-week hire, this will give you 4 weeks on either side of your due date.
If you're due sooner than that, you may find a shorter hire period is right for you.
Note: Shipping times don't come off your hire period. A 1-week shipping buffer is added in between your start and end date, making your hire period technically 1-week longer than advertised when counting from your start date.
How do I send it back to you?
Sending back is very easy, in your hire is an included pre-paid satchel to make returning seamless and hassle-free.
This satchel is already labelled and addressed, and just needs to be packed, sealed and taken down to be posted.
We do recommend taking it to a post office versus dropping it in the box, so you can get a receipt and we know you held up your end if something goes wrong on it's way to us.
I’ve lost my pre-paid return satchel, how do I get it back to you?
We do have access to our returns labels for a certain period of time, if you've lost your satchel please reach out to us here, and we'll send you the label if we can. If we no longer have access to the label, we can give you our address for return.
Or if you are in the area, feel free to reach out, and we could organise a drop-off.
What if I do not get to use my TENS machine in labour?
We highly recommend adding an 'Untouched' TENS Money-back Guarantee to your order, it covers you for non-use of the machine. See the product description for full information on the guarantee and eligibility criteria.
If you've not ordered the Money-back Guarantee and you don’t get to use it for labour, it doesn’t mean it is totally useless to you; TENS machines have been shown to naturally help improve all types of pain.
Should you feel it is not something you can find a use for at all, you can send it back as planned whenever you are ready before the end date, though we, unfortunately, cannot offer a refund in these circumstances if the machine has already been dispatched and the money-back guarantee hasn't been purchased.
How do I cancel my order?
If your order hasn’t been dispatched yet message us on Facebook, Instagram or send us an email here as soon as possible.
Unfortunately though if it has been sent there may not be much we can do, as your hire begins once it leaves our warehouse.